The FatMech is an affiliate for Amazon and other brands. This means that we have partnered with these companies to promote their products and services. If we provide a link to their website, and you click that link and purchase something, we may earn a commission.
This ensures that we can keep the site running, that it can pay for itself and allows us to continue bringing the quality content you have come to expect from The FatMech.
These affiliate links do not introduce any bias to our recommendations. We never promote any service that we do not believe in. We will not promote any service we do not feel is good quality or good value. In most cases we have tried out a service from the brand ourselves and have found it to be satisfactory enough to recommend to you.
If you have any questions or concerns about our affiliate policy, please don’t hesitate to get in touch with us via our contact page and we will be happy to clarify any concerns you may have.